Towards a Watershed Health Legacy
in the Georgia Basin


Watershed Health means that the watershed is functioning properly. Watersheds need rainwater storage in the ground for stream health and to mitigate for drought and flooding. The simplest way to achieve this is to develop and build WaterWise. This site will show you how to work with your planning and engineering departments of your local Government to achieve healthy, functioning watersheds while building and developing on the land.

A citizen enjoying what used to be Lannan Forest. Loss of intact forests add to run off and higher costs in hard infrastructure to make up for its loss.

A citizen enjoying what used to be Lannan Forest. Loss of intact forests add to run off and higher costs in hard infrastructure to make up for its loss.

Know your site: at a watershed, neighborhood and site scale

Know your site: at a watershed, neighborhood and site scale

Find out how you can develop your land AND help maintain or restore our region's natural water balance by clicking on Water Balance Model Express:


Find out about WaterWise Principles.

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